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ZEN & the ART of

An Inquiry True Nature of Education
and Power of Self Discovery


About Book

ZEN & the ART of NAVIGATING COLLEGE By Author Peter Klein Bookcover

Every year, approximately 2-3 million students enter college full of excitement and apprehension, with a mutually shared expectation that college offers a gateway to success and happiness. But there is a gap between a student’s expectations and what academia actually delivers. The disparity is compounded by differences in perspective. It is a well-known fact that about 75% of college graduates end up in careers that have nothing to do with their major.

About Author

Peter Klein was born in Austria in a hastily assembled refugee camp. He holds degrees in chemistry, a graduate degree in biochemistry and nutrition, and a graduate degree in Business and Finance and has earned several professional certifications.

His migration to America forced a life changing crossing of a huge cultural and political divide, that has triggered a lifelong search for answers to the human condition.

Broad discipline of study, and 40 years of inference reading has allowed him to develop insights and connections that offer up advances in perspective and awareness. He has the ability to connect the dots across disciplines that address issues that generations through the ages have all wrestled with repeatedly.

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Peter Klein Peter Klein Peter Klein
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Zen and the Art of Navigating College

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Dive Into A Unique Book And Find Your True Self While Navigating College.

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