
The writers we discover for ourselves, unprompted by teachers or friends, often have a special place in our lives.

Peter’s Writing

Group of graduates in caps and gowns raising their diplomas tied with golden ribbons, celebrating their achievement under a bright sky.

The writers we discover for ourselves, unprompted by teachers or friends, often have a special place in our lives. We stumble upon them at opportune moments in time and they can make a great impact on our lives and that’s why they always stay with us. They may help us rationalize our plight or understand or give a name to our short comings. They aid us in defining ourselves or they expand our perspective which helps to make sense of our lives and the world around us.

They may not be the most famous of writers or even considered writers of first rank, but they came into our lives at an opportune moment, and largely by serendipity, and we establish a connection in thought and ideas with someone not in our sphere of friends and acquaintances.

It’s also a very special moment when we encounter a person who has made the same discovery.

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